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Psorothamnus arborescens var. pubescens

Psorothamnus arborescens (Torr. ex A. Gray) Barneby var. pubescens (Parish) Barneby

Mojave Indigobush

Fabaceae (Pea family)

Synonym(s): Dalea amoena, Dalea amoena var. pubescens, Dalea fremontii var. pubescens


USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

"Habitally similar to P. a. var. arborescens, up to 6-8 dm tall, the young branches often purplish, becoming furrowed lengthwise." (bibref: 1812).


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Plant Characteristics

Duration: Perennial
Habit: Shrub
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Fruit Type: Legume
Size Notes: "6-8 dm tall." (bibref: 1812).
Leaf: "Foliage loosely strigulose or pilosulous with subappressed or weakly ascending hairs up to 0.2-0.5 mm long, either green or ashen, the calyx usually pilosulous with widely divergent hairs up to 0.5-1 mm long, sometimes loosely strigulose with hairs less than 0.35 mm long; leaves 1.5-3.5 cm long, the leaflets (5) 7-11, linear to linear-oblanceolate, 3-14 mm long, 0.4-1.4 mm wide, the upper 1-3 commonly decurrent, the rest usually jointed but rarely petiolulate." (bibref: 1812).
Flower: "Racemes 2.5-5 cm long; calyx 7.3-9 mm long, the hypanthium 1.4-2 mm deep, the tube 3.6-4.4 mm long, its orifice symmetrical (all sinuses about equally deep), the lanceolate teeth subequal in length, 3.5-5.4 mm long, the ventral pair about twice as wide as the dorsal one, at base 1.2-1.6 mm wide; petals indigo-blue; banner about 7 mm long, the claw 2 mm, the blade 5-5.2 mm long, 4.4-5.4 mm wide; keel 8.2-9.1 mm long, the claws 3.1-3.7 mm, the blades 6-6.4 mm long, 2.7-3.7 mm wide." (bibref: 1812).
Fruit: "Pod obliquely ellipsoid or ovoid-ellipsoid, the subcompressed body 8-10 mm long, (3.6) 4-6 mm diameter, at least beyond the middle 2-carinate by the sutures, the convex valves charged with large, round or broadly elliptic blister-glands, between the glands either villosulous or glabrous, the ventral suture ciliolate; pilosulous on the sides, usually densely so; seed (4.7) 5-6 mm long." (bibref: 1812).

Bloom Information

Bloom Color: Blue
Bloom Time: Apr , May , Jun
Bloom Notes: "Petals indigo-blue." (bibref: 1812).


Native Distribution: "Rare and local around the eastern end of House Rock Valley of the Colorado River in Coconino County, Arizona, from Lees Ferry (or Navajo Bridge) to points 5 miles south and 17 miles west, to be sought on benches leading down into Grand Canyon." (bibref: 1812).
Native Habitat: "Rocky clay knolls and talus under cliffs, on sandstone, 1035-1470 m (3450-4900 ft)." (bibref: 1812).

Additional resources

USDA: Find Psorothamnus arborescens var. pubescens in USDA Plants
FNA: Find Psorothamnus arborescens var. pubescens in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Psorothamnus arborescens var. pubescens


Record Modified: 2020-12-07
Research By: Joseph A. Marcus

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