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Rhynchospora albaWhite Beaksedge
Rhynchospora baldwiniiBaldwin's Beak Sedge
Baldwin's Beaksedge
Rhabdadenia bifloraMangrovevine
Rhynchospora brachychaetaWest Indian Beak Sedge
West Indian Beaksedge
Rhynchospora californicaCalifornia Beak Sedge
California Beaked Rush
California Beaksedge
Rhynchospora capillaceaNeedle Beaksedge
Rhynchospora capitellataBrownish Beaksedge
Small-head Beaksedge
Point-beak Beaksedge
Rhynchospora careyanaBroadfruit Horned Beaksedge
Rhynchospora caducaAnglestem Beaksedge
Rhynchospora cephalanthaBunched Beaksedge
Rhynchospora chalarocephalaLoose-head Beak Sedge
Loose-headed Beakrush
Loosehead Beaksedge
Rhynchospora chapmaniiChapman's Beak Sedge
Chapman's Beaksedge
Rhynchospora chinensisSpiked Beak Sedge
Spiked Beaksedge
Rhynchospora chinensis ssp. spiciformisSpiked Beak Sedge
Spiked Beaksedge
Rhynchospora ciliarisFringed Beak Sedge
Fringed Beaksedge
Rhynchospora corniculataShortbristle Horned Beaksedge
Horned Beakrush
Rhynchospora compressaFlat-fruit Beak Sedge
Flatfruit Beaksedge
Rhynchospora crinipesMosquito Beaksedge
Rhynchospora curtissiiCurtiss' Beak Sedge
Curtiss' Beaksedge
Rhexia cubensisWest Indian Meadow Beauty
Rhynchosia cytisoidesRoyal Snoutbean
Rhynchospora debilisSavannah Beak Sedge
Savannah Beaksedge
Rhynchospora divergensSpreading Beak Sedge
Spreading Beaksedge
Rhynchospora elliottiiElliott's Beaksedge
Rhynchospora eximiaFlorida Beak Sedge
Florida Beaksedge
Meadow Beauty
Rhynchospora fascicularisFascicled Beak Sedge
Fascicled Beaksedge
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. distansFascicled Beak Sedge
Fascicled Beaksedge
Rhynchospora fascicularis var. fascicularisFascicled Beak Sedge
Fascicled Beaksedge
Rhynchospora fernaldiiFernald's Beak Sedge
Fernald's Beaksedge
Rhynchospora filifoliaThread-leaf Beak Sedge
Thread-leaf Beaked-rush
Threadleaf Beaksedge
Rhynchospora floridensisFlorida Whitetop
Rhynchospora fuscaBrown Beaksedge
Rhynchospora globularisGlobe Beaksedge
Rhynchospora glomerataClustered Beaksedge
Cluster Beak-rush
Rhynchospora globularis var. pinetorumGlobe Beak Sedge
Globe Beaksedge
Rhynchospora globularis var. saxicolaStone Mountain Beak Sedge
Stone Mountain Beaksedge
Rhynchospora gracilentaSlender Beaksedge
Rhynchospora harperiHarper's Beaksedge
Rhynchospora indianolensisIndianola Beaksedge
Rhynchospora inexpansaNodding Beaksedge
Rhynchospora inundataDrowned Horned Bush
Inundated Horned Rush
Narrow-fruit Horned Beak Sedge
Narrowfruit Horned Beaksedge
Rhynchospora knieskerniiKnieskern's Beak Sedge
Knieskern's Beaked-rush
Knieskern's Beaksedge
Rhynchospora leptocarpaSlender-fruit Beak Sedge
Slender-fruit Beaksedge
Rhexia marianaMaryland Meadow Beauty
Pale Meadow Beauty
Rhynchospora marlinianaMarlin Beaksedge
Marlin's Beak Sedge
Rhizophora mangleRed Mangrove
Rhynchospora macraLarge Beak Sedge
Large Beaksedge
Rhynchospora macrostachyaTall Horned Beaksedge
Rhexia mariana var. marianaMaryland Meadow Beauty
Pale Meadow Beauty
Rhynchospora megalocarpaSandyfield Beaksedge
Rhynchospora megaplumosaHairy Spikelet Beakrush
Manatee Beak Sedge
Manatee Beaksedge
Rhynchospora miliaceaMillet Beak Sedge
Millet Beaksedge
Rhynchospora microcarpaSouthern Beak Sedge
Southern Beaksedge
Rhynchospora microcephalaSmall-head Beak Sedge
Small-head Beaked-rush
Smallhead Beaksedge
Rhynchospora mixtaMingled Beak Sedge
Mingled Beaksedge
Rhexia nashiiMaid Marian
Hairy Meadow Beauty
Nash's Meadow Beauty
Rhynchospora nitensShortbeak Beaksedge
Rhynchospora niveaShowy Whitetop
Rhexia nuttalliiNuttall's Meadowbeauty
Nuttall's Meadow-beauty
Rhynchospora odorataFragrant Beak Sedge
Fragrant Beaksedge
Rhynchospora pallidaPale Beak Sedge
Pale Beaksedge
Rhynchospora perplexaPineland Beaksedge
Rhynchosida physocalyxBladderpod Sida
Beaked Sida
Rhynchospora pineticolaPine Barren Beak Sedge
Pine Barren Beaksedge
Rhynchospora plumosaPlumed Beak Sedge
Plumed Beaksedge
Rhynchospora pleianthaCoastal Beak Sedge
Coastal Beaksedge
Rhynchospora pusillaFairy Beaksedge
Rhynchosia reniformisDollarleaf
Rhynchospora rugosaClaybank Beak Sedge
Claybank Beaksedge
Rhynchospora rugosa ssp. lavarumClaybank Beak Sedge
Claybank Beaksedge
Rhus sandwicensisHawaiian Sumac
Rhynchospora sclerioidesHawaii Beaksedge
Rhynchospora scirpoidesLong-beak Beaksedge
Rhynchospora solitariaOne-spike Beak Sedge
Onespike Beaksedge
Rhynchospora torreyanaTorrey's Beaksedge
Rhynchospora tracyiTracy's Beak Sedge
Tracy's Beaksedge
Rhexia virginicaHandsome-harry
Virginia Meadow Beauty
Rhus virensEvergreen Sumac
Tobacco Sumac
Rhus virens var. choriophyllaMearn Sumac
Evergreen Sumac
Rhus virens var. virensEvergreen Sumac
Small-leafed Evergreen Sumac
Rhynchospora wrightianaWright's Beak Sedge
Wright's Beak-rush
Wright's Beaksedge
Richardia brasiliensisTropical Mexican Clover
Brazil Pusley
Rivina humilisPigeonberry
Rouge Plant
Ribes malvaceumChaparral Currant
Richardia scabraRough Mexican Clover
Florida Pusley
Richardia tricoccaPrairie Mexican Clover
Rosa californicaCalifornia Wildrose
California Rose
Rorippa curvisiliquaCurve-pod Yellowcress
Curvepod Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. curvisiliquaCurve-pod Yellowcress
Curvepod Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. lyrataCurve-pod Yellowcress
Lyrateleaf Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. nuttalliiCurve-pod Yellowcress
Nuttall's Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. occidentalisCurve-pod Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. orientalisCurve-pod Yellowcress
Oriental Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. procumbensCurve-pod Yellowcress
Curvepod Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Rorippa curvisiliqua var. spatulataCurve-pod Yellowcress
Curvepod Yellowcress
Western Yellow Cress
Western Yellowcress
Roldana hartwegiiHartweg's Groundsel
Yellow Hairwort
Rotala ramosiorLowland Rotala
Rorippa sessilifloraStalkless Yellowcress
Sessile-flowered Yellow Cress
Rorippa tenerrimaModoc Yellow Cress
Modoc Yellowcress
Rudbeckia alpicolaShowy Coneflower
Washington Coneflower
Wenatchee Mountain Coneflower
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention