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Pilea microphyllaArtillery Weed
Pittosporum ×monaeCheesewood
Pittosporum napalienseHaawa
Royal Cheesewood
Pityopsis oliganthaFew-headed Grass-leaved Goldenaster
Grassleaf Goldaster
Picradeniopsis oppositifoliaOppositeleaf Bahia
Picramnia pentandraFlorida Bitterbush
Bitter Bush
Doctor Bar
Snake Root
Pilea peploidesPacific Island Clearweed
Pityopsis pinifoliaTaylor County Goldaster
Piptochaetium pringleiPringle Needlegrass
Pringle's Spear Grass
Pringle's Speargrass
Pilea pumilaCanadian Clearweed
Pinguicula pumilaSmall Butterwort
Bog Violet
Dwarf Butterwort
Pilea pumila var. deamiiClearweed
Deam's Clearweed
Pilea pumila var. pumilaCanadian Clearweed
Piloblephis rigidaFlorida Pennyroyal
Wild Pennyroyal
Pipturus ruberRed Pipturus
PItyopsis ruthiiRuth's Gold-aster
Ruth's Grass-leaved Golden-aster
Ruth's Silk-grass
Pittosporum terminalioidesCream Cheesewood
Pinus torreyanaTorrey Pine
Plantago aristataLargebracted Plantain
Plantago argyreaSalt-Meadow Plantain
Saltmeadow Plantain
Pleomele aureaGolden Hala Pepe
Pluchea camphorataCamphor Pluchea
Camphor Weed
Platydesma cornutaOahu Pilo Kea
Platydesma cornuta var. cornutaOahu Pilo Kea
Platydesma cornuta var. decurrensOahu Pilo Kea
Platanthera flavaPalegreen Orchid
Platanthera flava var. flavaPalegreen Orchid
Pluchea foetidaStinking Camphorweed
Pleomele forbesiiWaianae Range Hala Pepe
Pluchea foetida var. foetidaStinking Camphorweed
Pluchea foetida var. imbricataStinking Camphorweed
Plantago hawaiensisHawai'i Plantain
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Platanthera holochilaHawai'i Bog Orchid
Hawaii Bog Orchid
Pluchea longifoliaLongleaf Camphorweed
Tall White Fleabane
Pleuraphis muticaTobosagrass
Tobosa Grass
Pluchea odorataSweetscent
Saltmarsh Fleabane
Pluchea odorata var. odorataSweetscent
Marsh Fleabane
Southern Marsh Fleabane
Pluchea odorata var. succulentaSaltmarsh Fleabane
Plantago pachyphyllaKuahiwi Laukahi
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Maui Plantain
Platanthera peramoenaPurple Fringeless Orchid
Pleurocoronis plurisetaArrow Leaf
Bush Arrowleaf
Plantago princepsAle
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Plantago princeps var. anomalaAle
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Plantago princeps var. laxifloraAle
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Plantago princeps var. longibracteataAle
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Plantago princeps var. princepsAle
Laukahi Kuahiwi
Platythelys querceticolaJug Orchid
Low Ground Orchid
Platydesma remyiHawaii Pilo Kea
Pleuraphis rigidaBig Galleta
Platydesma rostrataPilo Kea Lau Li'I
Platythelys sagraeanusCaribbean Jug Orchid
Plumbago scandensDoctorbush
Summer Snow Plumbago
Mexican Plumbago
Pluchea sericeaArrowweed
Arrow Weed
Plantago sparsifloraPineland Plantain
Platydesma spathulataMaui Pilo Kea
Pilo Kea
Plantago subnudaMexican Plantain
Naked Plantain
Tall Coastal Plantain
Pleea tenuifoliaRush Featherling
Plumbago zeylanicaWild Leadwort
Potamogeton ×absconditusHybrid Pondweed
Potamogeton ×aemulansHybrid Pondweed
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Potamogeton alpinusAlpine Pondweed
Polygonella americanaSouthern Jointweed
Potamogeton amplifoliusLargeleaf Pondweed
Polygala ambiguaWhorled Milkwort
Polygonella articulataCoastal Jointweed
Polygonum arifoliumHalberdleaf Tearthumb
Potamogeton ×argutulusHybrid Pondweed
Polygala barbeyanaBlue Milkwort
Slenderlobe Milkwort
Polygonella basiramiaFlorida Jointweed
Hairy Wireweed
Tufted Wireweed
Potamogeton bicupulatusSnail-seed Pondweed
Snailseed Pondweed
Waterthread Pondweed
Polygonum bolanderiBolander's Knotweed
Bolander's Polygonum
Polygala boykinii var. boykiniiBoykin's Milkwort
Polygala boykinii var. sparsifoliaBoykin's Milkwort
Polygonum buxiformeBox Knotweed
Polymnia canadensisWhiteflower Leafcup
Polygonum californicumCalifornia Knotweed
Polygonum careyiCarey's Smartweed
Polygonum cilinodeFringed Black Bindweed
Polygonella ciliataFringed Jointweed
Hairy Jointweed
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Polymnia cossatotensisCossatot Mountain Leafcup
Polystachya concretaGreater Yellowspike Orchid
Pale-flowered Polystachya
Yellow Helmet Orchid
Yellow Spike Orchid
Potamogeton ×cognatusHybrid Pondweed
Polygala cruciataDrumheads
Candy Root
Crossleaf Milkwort
Cross-leaved Milkwort
Polygala cruciata var. cruciataDrumheads
Candy Root
Crossleaf Milkwort
Cross-leaved Milkwort
Polygala curtissiiCurtiss' Milkwort
Potamogeton diversifoliusWaterthread Pondweed
Threadleaf Pondweed
Polanisia dodecandraRedwhisker Clammyweed
Polygonum douglasiiDouglas Knotweed
Douglas' Knotweed
Polanisia dodecandra ssp. dodecandraRedwhisker Clammyweed
Polygonum douglasii ssp. douglasiiDouglas Knotweed
Douglas' Knotweed
Polygonum douglasii ssp. nuttalliiNuttall's Knotweed
Polanisia dodecandra ssp. riograndensisRio Grande Clammyweed
Polygonum douglasii ssp. spergulariiformeAutumn Knotweed
Fall Knotweed
Scatter Knotweed
Spurry Knotweed
Polanisia dodecandra ssp. trachyspermaSandyseed Clammyweed
Polypogon elongatusRabbitfoot Grass
Southern Beardgrass
Streambank Rabbit's-foot Grass
Streambank Rabbitsfoot Grass
Potamogeton epihydrusRibbonleaf Pondweed
Polanisia erosaLarge Clammyweed
Polygonum erectumErect Knotweed
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention