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4,444 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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Stylocline intertextaMojave Neststraw
Morefield's Neststraw
Tangled Nest Straw
Stephanomeria lactucinaForest Stephanomeria
Large Flowered Stephanomeria
Lettuce Wirelettuce
Woodland Wirelettuce
Stenotus lanuginosusWoolly Goldenweed
Woolly Mock Goldenweed
Stenotus lanuginosus var. lanuginosus
Stillingia linearifoliaLinear Leaved Stillingia
Narrowleaf Stillingia
Stellaria longifoliaLongleaf Starwort
Stellaria longipesLongstalk Starwort
Streptanthella longirostrisLong-beak Streptanthella
Stellaria longifolia var. longifoliaLongleaf Starwort
Stellaria longipes ssp. longipesGoldie's Chickweed
Goldie's Starwort
Longstalk Starwort
Stephanomeria minorLesser Wirelettuce
Narrow-leaved Skeletonplant
Narrowleaf Wirelettuce
Slender Wirelettuce
Stylocline micropoidesDesert Nest Straw
Woollyhead Fanbract
Woollyhead Nest Straw
Woollyhead Neststraw
Stephanomeria minor var. minorNarrowleaf Wirelettuce
Stephanomeria minor var. myriocladaNarrow-leaved Skeletonplant
Narrowleaf Wirelettuce
Slender Wirelettuce
Streptanthus oliganthusMasonic Mountain Jewelflower
Masonic Mountain Twistflower
Masonic Mtn. Jewel Flower
Stephanomeria paniculataStiff Branched Stephanomeria
Stiff-branched Wirelettuce
Tufted Wirelettuce
Stephanomeria parryiParry's Wirelettuce
Stephanomeria paucifloraBrownplume Wirelettuce
Brown-plume Desert Straw
Fewflower Wirelettuce
Prairie Skeletonplant
Stuckenia pectinataSago Pondweed
Stanleya pinnataDesert Princes' Plume
Golden Princes' Plume
Golden Desert Plume
Sentinel Of The Plains
Stachys pilosaHairy Hedgenettle
Stanleya pinnata var. inyoensisDesert Princesplume
Golden Prince's-plume
Inyo Princesplume
Pinnate Prince's Plume
Stanleya pinnata var. pinnataDesert Princesplume
Stachys pilosa var. pilosaHairy Hedgenettle
Stylocline psilocarphoidesBaretwig Nest Straw
Baretwig Neststraw
Malheur Stylocline
Peck Neststraw
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4,444 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention