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Senegalia roemerianaRoemer Acacia
Roemer's Acacia
Roundflower Catclaw
Round-flowered Catclaw
Catclaw Acacia
Senecio scorzonellaSierra Ragwort
Selaginella selaginoidesNorthern Spike-moss
Prickly Mountain-moss
Club Spike-moss
Lesser Clubmoss
Low Spike-moss
Senecio serraTall Ragwort
Senecio serra var. serraTall Ragwort
Senecio spartioidesBroomlike Ragwort
Broom Ragwort
Broom Groundsel
Senecio sphaerocephalusBallhead Ragwort
Senecio spartioides var. spartioidesBroom Groundsel
Broom-like Ragwort
Senecio triangularisArrowleaf Ragwort
Arrowleaf Groundsel
Selaginella utahensisUtah Spike Moss
Utah Spike-moss
Utah Spikemoss
Sesuvium verrucosumVerrucose Seapurslane
Western Sea Purslane
Selaginella watsoniiWatson's Spikemoss
Shepherdia argenteaSilver Buffaloberry
Shepherdia canadensisRusset Buffaloberry
Silene acaulisMoss Campion
Cushion Pink
Silene acaulis var. subacaulescensMoss Campion
Cushion Pink
Silene antirrhinaSleepy Silene
Sleepy Catchfly
Silene bernardinaPalmer's Campion
Palmer's Catchfly
Silene bernardina ssp. bernardinaPalmer's Campion
Palmer's Catchfly
Silene bernardina ssp. maguireiPalmer's Campion
Palmer's Catchfly
Silene bernardina var. rigidulaPalmer's Catchfly
Palmer's Campion
Silene bernardina var. sierraePalmer's Catchfly
Palmer's Campion
Sidalcea candidaWhite Checkerbloom
Sidalcea candida var. glabrataWhite Checker Mallow
White Checkerbloom
White Checkermallow
Silene clokeyiClokey's Campion
Clokey's Catchfly
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention