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8,672 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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Cryptantha cinereaJames' Cryptantha
James' Catseye
James' Cat's-eye
Bownut Cryptantha
Cryptantha cinerea var. abortivaJames' Cryptantha
James' Catseye
James' Cat's-eye
Bownut Cryptantha
Cryptantha circumscissa var. circumscissaCushion Cryptantha
Cushion Annual Cat's-eye
Cushion Catseye
Matted Cryptantha
Western Forget Me Not
Cryptantha circumscissa var. hispidaCushion Cryptantha
Cushion Annual Cat's-eye
Cushion Catseye
Matted Cryptantha
Western Forget Me Not
Cryptantha circumscissa var. rosulataCushion Cryptantha
Rosette Cushion Cryptantha
Cryptantha clevelandiiCleveland's Cryptantha
Cleveland's Cat's-eye
Common Cryptantha
Cryptantha clokeyiClokey's Cryptantha
Clokey's Cat's-eye
Prickly Cryptantha
Cryptantha clevelandii var. clevelandiiCleveland's Cryptantha
Cleveland's Cat's-eye
Common Cryptantha
Cryptantha clevelandii var. dissitaCleveland's Cryptantha
Lake Cryptantha
Serpentine Cryptantha
Cryptantha clevelandii var. florosaCleveland's Cryptantha
Coastal Cryptantha
Coastal Cat's-eye
Cryptantha confertifloraBasin Yellow Cryptantha
Basin Yellow Catseye
Basin Yellow Perennial Cat's-eye
Mojave Popcorn Flower
Roundleaf Cryptantha
Wild Forget-me-not
Cryptantha costataRibbed Cryptantha
Ribbed Catseye
Ribbed Narrow-wing Cat's-eye
Ashen Forget Me Not
Cryptantha corollataCoast Range Cryptantha
Coast Range Catseye
Coast Range Cat's-eye
Crassula connataPygmy Weed
Sand Pygmy Weed
Sand Pygmyweed
Crassula connata var. connataPygmy Weed
Sand Pygmy Weed
Sand Pygmyweed
Crassula connata var. erectoidesPygmy Weed
Sand Pygmy Weed
Sand Pygmyweed
Crassula connata var. eremicaPygmy Weed
Sand Pygmy Weed
Sand Pygmyweed
Crassula connata var. subsimplexPygmy Weed
Sand Pygmy Weed
Sand Pygmyweed
Cryptantha crinitaSacramento Cryptantha
Sacramento Catseye
Sacramento Cat's-eye
Silky Cryptantha
Cryptantha crymophilaSubalpine Cryptantha
Cryptantha decipiensGravelbar Cryptantha
Gravel-bar Catseye
Gravel-bar Cat's-eye
Gravel Cryptantha
Wild Forget-me-not
Crataegus douglasiiBlack Hawthorn
Cryptantha dumetorumBushloving Cryptantha
Bush-loving Catseye
Bush-loving Cat's-eye
Scrambling Cryptantha
Flexous Forget Me Not
Cryptantha echinellaPrickly Cryptantha
Prickly Catseye
Prickly Cat's-eye
Hedgehog Cryptantha
Cryptantha excavataDeepscar Cryptantha
Deep-scarred Cryptantha
Deep Scarred Cryptantha
DeepScar Catseye
Deep-scar Cat's-eye
Cryptantha flaccidaWeakstem Cryptantha
Weakstem Catseye
Weak-stem Cat's-eye
Beaked Cryptantha
Flaccid Cryptantha
Pale Cryptantha
Cryptantha flavoculataRoughseed Cryptantha
Cryptantha ganderiGander's Cryptantha
Dune Catseye
Dune Cat's-eye
Cryptantha glomerifloraTruckee Cryptantha
Truckee Catseye
Truckee Cat's-eye
Clustered-flower Cryptantha
Cryptantha gracilisNarrowstem Cryptantha
Narrowstem Catseye
Narrow-stem Cat's-eye
Narrowstem Pick-me-not
Slender Cryptantha
Slender Forget Me Not
Cryptantha hispidulaNapa Cryptantha
Napa Catseye
Napa Cat's-eye
Cryptantha hoffmanniiHoffmann's Cryptantha
Hoffmann's Virgin River Cryptantha
White Mountains Cryptantha
Cryptantha holopteraWinged Cryptantha
Winged Catseye
Narrow-wing Cat's-eye
Rough Stemmed Forget Me Not
Cryptantha hooveriHoover's Cryptantha
Hoover's Catseye
Hoover's Cat's-eye
Cryptantha humilisRoundspike Cryptantha
Round-spike Catseye
Round-spike Perennial Cat's-eye
Dwarf Catseye
Low Cryptantha
Round-headed Cryptantha
Crepis intermediaLimestone Hawksbeard
Cryptantha incanaTulare Cryptantha
Tulare Catseye
Tulare Cat's-eye
Cryptantha intermediaClearwater Cryptantha
Cryptantha leiocarpaCoastal Cryptantha
Coastal Catseye
Coastal Cat's-eye
Beach Cryptantha
Popcorn Flower
Cryptantha mariposaeMariposa Cryptantha
Mariposa Catseye
Mariposa Cat's-eye
Cryptantha maritimaGuadalupe Cryptantha
Guadalupe Catseye
Guadalupe Cat's-eye
Guadalupe Island Cryptantha
White Haired Forget Me Not
Wild Forget-me-not
Cryptantha maritima var. maritimaGuadalupe Cryptantha
Guadalupe Catseye
Guadalupe Cat's-eye
Guadalupe Island Cryptantha
White Haired Forget Me Not
Wild Forget-me-not
Cryptantha maritima var. pilosaGuadalupe Cryptantha
Guadalupe Catseye
Guadalupe Cat's-eye
Guadalupe Island Cryptantha
White Haired Forget Me Not
Wild Forget-me-not
Cryptantha micranthaRedroot Cryptantha
Redroot Catseye
Greater Alley Cat's-eye
Purple Rooted Forget Me Not
Purpleroot Pick-me-not
Cryptantha micromeresPygmyflower Cryptantha
Cryptantha microstachysTejon Cryptantha
Tejon Catseye
Tejon Cat's-eye
Popcorn Flower
Cryptantha milo-bakeriMilo Baker's Cryptantha
Cryptantha micrantha var. lepidaRedroot Cryptantha
Redroot Catseye
Mountain Red-root Cryptantha
Cryptantha micrantha var. micranthaRedroot Cryptantha
Red-root Cryptantha
Redroot Catseye
Lesser Alley Cat's-eye
Crepis modocensisModoc Hawksbeard
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention