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576 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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Haplophyton crooksiiCockroach Plant
Hesperoyucca newberryiChaparral Yucca
Grand Canyon Quixote Plant
Newberry's Yucca
Our Lord's Candle
Hibiscus denudatusPaleface
Rock Hibiscus
Horsfordia alataBig Feltplant
Pink Felt Plant
Pink Velvet Mallow
Pink Velvet-mallow
Pink Velvetmallow
Holodiscus discolorOcean Spray
Hillside Ocean-spray
Cream Bush
Mountain Spray
Holodiscus dumosusRockspirea
Glandular Oceanspray
Bush Rockspirea
Cream Bush
Hoffmannseggia microphyllaWand Holdback
Horsfordia newberryiNewberry's Velvet Mallow
Newberry's Velvet-mallow
Newberry's Velvetmallow
Orange Velvet Mallow
Yellow Felt Plant
Yellow Feltplant
Hyptis emoryiDesert Lavender
Hymenoclea monogyraSinglewhorl Burrobrush
Indigofera sphaerocarpaSonoran Indigo
Jamesia americanaFivepetal Cliffbush
Jamesia americana var. americanaFivepetal Cliffbush
Jatropha cardiophyllaHeartleaf Dragon's Blood
Sangre de Cristo
Jatropha cuneataLeatherplant
Sangre de Drago
Jacquemontia pringleiPringle's Clustervine
Juniperus californicaCalifornia Juniper
Desert White Cedar
Justicia californicaBeloperone
Hummingbird Bush
Justicia candicansArizona Water-willow
Red Jacobinia
Juniperus coahuilensisRedberry Juniper
Roseberry Juniper
Juniperus communis var. depressaCommon Juniper
Old Field Juniper
Prostrate Juniper
Juniperus monospermaOneseed Juniper
One-seed Juniper
Cherrystone Juniper
New Mexico Juniper
West Texas Juniper
Juniperus monosperma var. monospermaOne-seed Juniper
Oneseed Juniper
Keckiella antirrhinoides ssp. microphyllaBush Penstemon
Chaparral Beard Tongue
Little Leaved Chaparral Beard Tongue
Snapdragon Penstemon
Yellow Bush Penstemon
Koeberlinia spinosa var. spinosaCrown Of Thorns
Koeberlinia spinosa var. tenuispinaCrown of Thorns
Crucifixion Thorn
Spiny Allthorn
Krascheninnikovia lanataWinterfat
Lantana achyranthifoliaBrushland Shrubverbena
Mexican Marjoram
Veinyleaf Lantana
Lagascea decipiensDoll's Head
Larrea tridentataCreosote Bush
Larrea tridentata var. tridentataCreosote Bush
Lantana urticoidesTexas Lantana
Calico Bush
Lepidium fremontiiDesert Pepperweed
Desert Alysum
Desert Peppergrass
Bush Pepperwort
Lepidium fremontii var. fremontiiBush Pepperwort
Desert Alysum
Desert Peppergrass
Desert Pepperweed
Lepidospartum squamatumCalifornia Broomsage
Linnaea borealis ssp. americanaTwinflower
Lonicera interruptaChaparral Honeysuckle
Lonicera involucrataTwinberry Honeysuckle
Black Twinberry Honeysuckle
Black Twinberry
Bearberry Honeysuckle
Four-line Honeysuckle
Lonicera involucrata var. involucrataBlack Twinberry
Fly Honeysuckle
Twinberry Honeysuckle
Lonicera utahensisUtah Honeysuckle
Red Twinberry
Lycium andersoniiWater Jacket
Red-berry Desert-thorn
Anderson Wolfberry
Lycium andersonii var. andersoniiAnderson Thornbush
Anderson Wolfberry
Anderson's Desert Thorn
Water Jacket
Lycium andersonii var. deserticolaAnderson Thornbush
Anderson's Desert Thorn
Desert Anderson Wolfberry
Water Jacket
Lycium andersonii var. wrightiiWater Jacket
Wright Wolfberry
Wright's Desert Thorn
Lycium berlandieriBerlandier's Wolfberry
Lycium berlandieri var. longistylumBerlandier's Desert Thorn
Berlandier's Wolfberry
Lycium berlandieri var. parviflorumBerlandier's Wolfberry
Lycium brevipesBaja Desert Thorn
Baja Desert-thorn
Lycium californicumCalifornia Box Thorn
California Box-thorn
California Desert Thorn
California Desert-thorn
California Wolfberry
Lycium californicum var. arizonicumArizona Desert Thorn
Arizona Desert-thorn
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576 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention