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576 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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Cordia parvifoliaLittleleaf Cordia
Small-leaf Geigertree
Coleogyne ramosissimaBlackbrush
Cornus sericeaRed Osier Dogwood
Red Osier
Red-twig Dogwood
Condalia spathulataKnifeleaf Condalia
Condalia warnockiiWarnock's Snakewood
Mexican Crucillo
Condalia warnockii var. kearneyanaKearney's Snakewood
Mexican Buckthorn
Mexican Crucillo
Crossosoma bigeloviiRagged Rockflower
Crossosoma bigelovii var. bigeloviiBigelow's Ragged Rock Flower
Ragged Rockflower
Crossosoma bigelovii var. glaucumBigelow's Ragged Rock Flower
Ragged Rockflower
Croton ciliatoglanduliferBush Croton
Mexican Croton
Croton sonoraeRama Blanca
Sonora Croton
Sonoran Croton
Croton wigginsiiDune Croton
Wiggins' Croton
Dalea bicolorSilver Prairie Clover
Dalea formosaFeatherplume
Feather Dalea
Dasiphora fruticosaShrubby Cinquefoil
Golden Hardhack
Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribundaShrubby Cinquefoil
Golden Hardhack
Dalea nanaDwarf Prairie Clover
Dwarf Dalea
Dalea versicolorOakwoods Prairie Clover
Dalea versicolor var. sessilisOakwoods Prairie Clover
Weeping Dalea
Dalea versicolor var. versicolorOakwoods Prairie Clover
Dasylirion wheeleriCommon Sotol
Desert Spoon
Desert Candle
Diphysa thurberiThurber's Diphysa
Dodonaea viscosaFlorida Hopbush
Hopseed Bush
Switch Sorrel
Varnish Leaf
Encelia californicaCalifornia Brittlebush
Coast Sunflower
Encelia farinosaBrittlebush
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576 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention