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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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2,212 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Attractiveness of Michigan native plants to arthropod natural enemies and herbivores
A. K. Fiedler and D. A. Landis
Environmental EntomologyPathologyAgricultural, FieldAquilegia canadensis (Eastern red columbine)
Asclepias tuberosa (Butterflyweed)
Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Eupatorium perfoliatum (Common boneset)
Auxin application to stem cuttings of selected woody landscape plants by incorporation into a stabilized organic rooting substrate
E. K. Blythe, J. L. Sibley, K. M. Tilt, J. M. Ruters
Journal of Environmental HorticulturePlant growth regulator, PropagationGreenhouseIlex glabra (Inkberry)
Avian Seed Dispersal on Virginia Barrier Islands: Potential Influence on Vegetation Community Structure and Patch Dynamics
S. A. Shiflett and D. R. Young
American Midland NaturalistSeed collecting,GerminationForestCallicarpa americana (American beautyberry )
Avoidance mechanism in plants against automobile exhaust pollution
R. K. Sarkar
Indian Journal of Plant PhysiologyDisturbanceRoadMikania scandens (Climbing hempvine)
Awareness of and interest in native wildflowers among college students in plant-related disciplines: A case study from Florida
H. E. Perez, C. R. Adams, M. E. Kane, J. G. Norcini, G. Acomb and C. Larsen
Horttechnology Human UseNone specified ()
Axial Rotation of Erythrina herbacea Leaflets
T. J. Herbert
American Journal of BotanyLight,MorphologyForestErythrina herbacea (Coralbean)
Balansia pilulaeformis, an Epiphytic Species
K. Clay and I. C. Frentz
MycologiaFungiLaboratoryChasmanthium laxum (Slender woodoats)
Base temperatures for seedling growth and their correlation with chilling sensitivity for warm-season grasses
I. C. Madakadze, K. A. Stewart, R. M. Madakadze and D. L. Smith
Crop ScienceEstablishment methodsLaboratoryAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Baseline floristic assessment and classification of pine barrens vernal ponds
J. T. Bried and G. J. Edinger
Journal of the Torrey Botanical SocietyFloristicsForest,WetlandCephalanthus occidentalis (Common buttonbush)
Beaver herbivory on aquatic plants
J. D. Parker, C. C. Caudill and M. E. Hay
OecologiaDisturbance, RestorationWetlandSaururus cernuus (Lizard's tail)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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2,212 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page