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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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2,212 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
Analysis of arsenic uptake by plant species selected for growth in northwest Ohio by inductively coupled plasma - Optical emission spectroscopy
J. R. Rofkar, D. F. Dwyer and J. M. Frantz
Communications in Soil Science and Plant AnalysisRestorationBrownfield, GreenhouseCoreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Helenium autumnale (Common sneezeweed)
Analysis of Longleaf Pine Sandhill Vegetation in Northwest Florida
H. LeRoy Rodgers and Louis Provencher
CastaneaCommunity level survey, Disturbance, Floristics, SuccessionLongleaf pine, SandhillAgeratina aromatica (Lesser snakeroot)
Aristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass)
Schizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Analysis of the population dynamics of Acacia trees in the Negev desert, Israel with a spatially-explicit computer simulation model
K. Wiegand, F. Jeltsch and D. Ward
Ecological ModellingConservation assessment, Germination, Population viability analysisLaboratoryVachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Analysis of the spatial genetic structure of Passiflora incarnata in recently disturbed sites
R. T. Tague and S. A. Fore
Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De BotaniqueDisturbance, GeneticsForestPassiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Anatomical changes in Rudbeckia hirta L during transition to flowering
R. L. Harkess and R. E. Lyons
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural ScienceLight, PhenologyGreenhouse, LaboratoryRudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Anatomical structures of the VA mycorrhiza in the Apocynaceae (Gentianales)
H. C. Weber, A. Klahr and M. MarronHeimbuch
Botanica ActaMycorrhizaeAmsonia tabernaemontana (Eastern bluestar)
Andromonoecy and Variation in Phenotypic Gender of Passiflora incarnata (Passifloraceae)
P. G. May and E. E. Spears
American Journal of BotanyPollination,Seed increase,Seed collectingFieldPassiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Angular leaf spot disease of Saururus caused by Phaeoramularia saururi comb. nov
P. W. Crous, N. E. El-Gholl, S. E. Walker and T. S. Schubert
MycotaxonFungi, PathologyLaboratory, WetlandSaururus cernuus (Lizard's tail)
Homer D. House
New York State Museum Bulletin ()
Annual cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) thrips abundance on North Florida uncultivated reproductive hosts: Predicting possible sources of pest outbreaks
T. D. Northfield, D. R. Paini, J. E. Funderburk and S. R. Reitz
Annals of the Entomological Society of AmericaPathologyAgricultural, FieldSolidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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