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Image Gallery

Flaigg, Norman G.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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1,695 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Rhus microphyllaLittleleaf Sumac
Desert Sumac
Rhododendron prinophyllumEarly Azalea
Roseshell Azalea
Woolly Azalea
Rhododendron prinophyllumEarly Azalea
Roseshell Azalea
Woolly Azalea
Rhynchosia senna var. texanaTexas Snoutbean
Texas Snout-bean
Rivina humilisPigeonberry
Rouge Plant
Rosa carolinaCarolina Rose
Pasture Rose
Robinia hispidaBristly Locust
Standing Sweet Pea
Robinia hispidaBristly Locust
Standing Sweet Pea
Robinia pseudoacaciaBlack Locust
Rosa setigeraClimbing Prairie Rose
Climbing Rose
Prairie Rose
Rosa setigeraClimbing Prairie Rose
Climbing Rose
Prairie Rose
Rosa setigeraClimbing Prairie Rose
Climbing Rose
Prairie Rose
Rosa setigeraClimbing Prairie Rose
Climbing Rose
Prairie Rose
Ruellia caroliniensisCarolina Wild Petunia
Rudbeckia grandifloraRough Coneflower
Tall Coneflower
Largeflower Coneflower
Rudbeckia grandifloraRough Coneflower
Tall Coneflower
Largeflower Coneflower
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Common Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Common Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Common Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Common Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Rumex hymenosepalusCanaigre Dock
Desert Rhubarb
Rumex hymenosepalusCanaigre Dock
Desert Rhubarb
Rudbeckia maximaGiant Coneflower
Great Coneflower
Giant Brown-eyed Susan
Cabbage Coneflower
Ruellia malacospermaSoftseed Wild Petunia
Ruellia malacospermaSoftseed Wild Petunia
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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1,695 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page