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Image Gallery

Flaigg, Norman G.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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1,695 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Physostegia pulchellaShowy False Dragonhead
Beautiful False Dragon-head
Physostegia pulchellaShowy False Dragonhead
Beautiful False Dragon-head
Phacelia robustaStout Phacelia
Phacelia robustaStout Phacelia
Phacelia robustaStout Phacelia
Phlox roemerianaGoldeneye Phlox
Golden-eye Phlox
Phlox roemerianaGoldeneye Phlox
Golden-eye Phlox
Phlox roemerianaGoldeneye Phlox
Golden-eye Phlox
Phoradendron tomentosumChristmas Mistletoe
Physalis viscosaStarhair Groundcherry
Yellow Ground Cherry
Physalis viscosaStarhair Groundcherry
Yellow Ground Cherry
Physalis viscosaStarhair Groundcherry
Yellow Ground Cherry
Pistacia mexicanaMexican Pistachio
Texas Pistachio
American Pistachio
Copal Pistachio
Wild Pistachio
Texas Pistache
Pinaropappus roseusWhite Rocklettuce
White Dandelion
Pink Dandelion
White Rock Lettuce
Pinaropappus roseusWhite Rocklettuce
White Dandelion
Pink Dandelion
White Rock Lettuce
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Polygala albaWhite Milkwort
Polygonum amphibium var. emersumLongroot Smartweed
Poa arachniferaTexas Bluegrass
Texas Blue Grass
Polygonatum biflorumSmooth Solomon's Seal
Great Solomon's-seal
Polygonatum biflorumSmooth Solomon's Seal
Great Solomon's-seal
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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1,695 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page