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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

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Sunday - April 22, 2007

From: Notre Dame, IN
Region: Midwest
Topic: Wildflowers
Title: Time of year for wildflower viewing in Northern Indiana and Michigan
Answered by: Nan Hampton


I used to live in the southern US but now live in Northern Indiana and was wondering if wildflower fields will be blooming here and in Michigan by early May (I was hoping to do some rural exploring the first weekend of May). I have heard that they bloom later in northern areas, but I wasn't sure how "north" northern is. If you could let me know, that would be great. Thank you very much.


The first weekend in May is probably a little early to see very many roadside or field wildflowers. You probably will have better viewing in late May and June. However, right now is a good time to see woodland species like Arisaema triphyllum (Jack in the pulpit) or trilliums such as Trillium sessile (toadshade) and Trillium undulatum (painted trillium. Check the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildflower Viewing page for more information about wildflowers you might see. You can also see excellent photographs of many of the Michigan wildflowers from a CHS Biology Project from Crystal High School in Carson City, Michigan.

For other rural outdoor activites, you might consider visiting some of the Indiana Nature Prerserves protecting old growth forests and prairies. Michigan Natural Areas also feature prairies and old growth forest preserves.


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