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Friday - March 30, 2007

From: austin, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Shade Tolerant
Title: Deer resistant plants for large pot in light shade in Austin
Answered by: Nan Hampton


For an Austin yard, please suggest a shrub or a mixture of plants for a 15 gallon clay pot. The area has dappled light and deer. I would prefer a deciduous plant if possible.


Deer rarely eat plants in the mint family, Family Lamiaceae. Here are a few suggestions from the mint family.

The first two, Salvia coccinea (blood sage) and Salvia roemeriana (cedar sage), do well in partial shade.

These next two, Salvia farinacea (mealycup sage) and Salvia greggii (autumn sage), do best in full sun, but will also grow and bloom in partial shade.

These next plants, although not in the Family Lamiaceae, also are highly deer-resistant. They are best in full sun, but will also grow and bloom in partial shade:

Lantana urticoides (Texas lantana)

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii (flame acanthus)

Although only moderately deer-resistant, the following plants should work well if planted with the more deer-resistant plants above:

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii (wax mallow)

Aquilegia canadensis (red columbine)

Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana (Hinckley's golden columbine)

You can find more recommendations for deer-resistant plants in Camouflage Gardening by Patti Simons from the Native Plant Society of Texas.

All of the plants mentioned above will be for sale at our upcoming Spring Plant Sale.

Salvia coccinea

Salvia roemeriana

Salvia farinacea

Salvia greggii

Anisacanthus quadrifidus var. wrightii

Lantana urticoides

Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii

Aquilegia canadensis

Aquilegia chrysantha var. hinckleyana




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