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NPIN: Native Plant Image Gallery

Image Gallery

Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,849 plant images. From this page you can browse the monthly "in Bloom", view a photographer's work or special collection, or use the search bar to find a specific image. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.

This site is not designed for commercial use or publication. All images are copyrighted and are the property of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center and the photographers.

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June blooms around the United States

Violet ruellia
Ruellia nudiflora
Pyramid magnolia
Magnolia pyramidata
Chocolate daisy
Berlandiera lyrata
Parthenium argentatum
Texas skeleton plant
Lygodesmia texana

June blooms at the Wildflower Center

Fringed bluestar
Amsonia ciliata
Lindheimer's morning-glory
Ipomoea lindheimeri
Asclepias tuberosa
Datura wrightii
Star milkvine
Matelea biflora