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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Questions From Near You

Boerne, TX
Sudden death of Texas Mountain Laurel
Last year, my 15-year-old Mountain Laurel died very suddenly. The leaves began to curl up and turn brown, and it was dead within about 15 days. What happened?
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Boerne, TX
Yellow, pale green leaves on Cedar Elms in Texas
I have had several cedar elms of various sizes planted in our yard over the last 10 years. Only the largest has dark green, healthy looking leaves. All the others have yellowish, pale green leaves. Th...
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Boerne, TX
Recently planted live oak tree in Boerne, TX
My brother planted a live oak in August. It was from a nursery and had a root ball. It looks dead but I keep watering it. The trunk is about 6 inches around. The leaves died but when the winds came th...
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Boerne, TX
Time for trimming oaks from Boerne TX
I want to trim a native red oak but am scared to touch it because I dont want to lose it. It is the primary source of shade in our back yard. Also I want to trim the live oaks and am surrounded with O...
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Boerne, TX
Oak saplings in Boerne TX
Is there anything I can do to kill the oak tree saplings that come up around my oak tree? I have a nice raised flower bed around the tree and now it's full of these saplings. Thanks for your help...
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Boerne, TX
Will Black Walnut trees grow in Boerne TX?
Was curious if any one sells Black Walnut Trees??? They used to be around the Boerne, TX area and I wondered if we could try to grow them.
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Boerne, TX
Need plants to replace cedars on a 40 degree slope in Boerne, TX.
My backyard is a roughly 40 degree slope that is covered with cedars. The slope is basically all rock, what can I grow here to replace the cedar which drink too much water. I would still like the area...
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Boerne, TX
Possibility of Colorado Blue Spruce tree in Boerne TX
Is it possible to plant Colorado Blue Spruce trees in the Boerne, Texas area?
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Boerne, TX
How does Asclepias asperula (antelope horns) respond to fire
From your experience with prairie burns, how does Asclepias asperula (antelope horns) respond to fire? Thanks.
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Boerne, TX
Seed pods on Acer grandidentatum
Hi, we have three young Big Tooth Maples that are doing very well in our pasture. We bought them already established and small. However, we would like to start some. Do they produce a seed?? What wo...
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Boerne, TX
Why doesn't my Rusty blackhead bloom?
I have planted Rusty blackhaws the past several years..some bloomed the first year and every year since....and others 3 years old have not bloomed yet... Do all Rusty blackhaws bloom eventually or ...
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Boerne, TX
Young Mexican White Oak Losing Leaves in Texas
I have a 5 yr old Mexican white oak, 20 ft tall losing its leaves mostly at the top. They turn brown & fall off. It does not lose its leaves in the winter, right?. About 3 ft from the top down is bare...
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Boerne, TX
Half-life of the insecticide imidacloprid
How long do systemic insecticides such as imidacloprid (Merit) remain active in nursery grown plants? Asclepias curassavica (tropical milkweed)is frequently grown with imidacloprid to prevent...
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Boerne, TX
Use of newspaper mulch in garden
Before constructing a raised garden, I would like to lay newspapers at the initial ground level, then add about 12 to 15 inches of compost on top of that. Would that hurt the plants? And will the ne...
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Boerne, TX
Problems with Live Oak in Boerne TX
I had my large Live Oak trimmed last year. This spring there seems to be a problem with leaf growth. Most leaves are small in nature and appear to have been attacked possibly by bugs. Many of the bran...
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Boerne, TX
Availability of Texas Frogfruit
Are there any nursery suppliers that supply Texas frogfruit?
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Boerne, TX
Is Desert willow poisonous to horses in Boerne TX
I have just purchased Bubba Desert Willows and have horses. Will they eat them, do you know and if so will they be harmed? Thanks
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Boerne, TX
Fast-growing vines for the Texas Hill Country
What are the best fast-growing vines for our Hill Country location? The vine will be growing on a stucco wall, so we don't want the vine to grow into the stucco and destroy it. Location has morning ...
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Boerne, TX
Frequency of mowing on native grasses
I live on 5 acres in TX Hill Country. I love the native grasses when they are high and blowing, etc. My husband insists on mowing, claiming that by mowing, the grasses grow more rapidly over the dry...
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Boerne, TX
What variety of Opuntia is best for eating in Boerne, TX.
Which variety of Opuntia, is best for eating the pads and which are the ones best eaten for fruit?
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Boerne, TX
Why did mountain laurel turn brown and die?
I have (had) a lovely mountain laurel that I planted more than 25 years ago. Many times one or two branches would turn brown and I would trim them out. The shrub is about 10 feet tall and is many tr...
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