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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Questions From Near You

Wichita, KS
Shade ground cover under honeysuckle from Wichita KS
Hi! I know this is a bit odd, but I am trying to find a nontoxic, good ground covering plant that can live in the shade while competing with the roots of a whole bunch of honeysuckle. I have a few ide...
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Wichita, KS
Trees for home in Kansas
I am needing help planting trees in my yard. It's a new construction home and I would like a tree that won't get into the septic system easily. Also, I have to plant 3 other trees as well due to the...
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Wichita, KS
Plants for northern exposure in Wichita, KS
What are good plants for the north side of the house with acidic soil in Zone 6, Wichita, KS?
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Wichita, KS
Hardy Tree for Kansas
I'm hoping to find a tree that is hardy and will survive all rough seasons in Wichita, KS. The spot is in front of a northern exposure window.
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Wichita, KS
Colorful shrubs for Kansas
I would like to plant some bushes or shrubs on the front side of our house which faces east. I would like them to grow 5' tall and provide beautiful color or blooms. What would be best for my locat...
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Wichita, KS
Curvularia blight in buffalograss in Kansas
Our buffalo grass is infected with a fungus called curvularia. How can we treat it?
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Wichita, KS
Advice on grasses under walnut trees
Little advice on grasses: I am prepared to plant zoysia under two walnut trees. Forgot about juglone-is this a good idea?
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Wichita, KS
Lake Plantings and Geese
I live on a small lake in Wichita, KS and we are over run with Canada geese. I would like to plant flowers around my patio (which is not allowed to be fenced off). Are there any flowers or plants that...
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Wichita , KS
Skunk cabbage to repel rabbits in Wichita KS
I would like to find a skunk cabbage plant or oil of skunk cabbage to drive away rabbits from my garden.. It does work for several yrs ago I purchased a plant from a garden shop but can not find it no...
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Newton, KS
Wintering of non- native jasmine in Newton KS
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, I received a gorgeous jasmine for mothers day and I planted it in my front yard in the flower area close to the house. Can I keep it there all winter or do I need to dig it up a...
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Newton, KS
Overseeding sprig planting of native grass in Kansas
Can I overseed a Sprig planting of native grass in Kansas in the Fall?
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Hutchinson, KS
Dead portions on oak tree in Hutchinson KS
I have an oak tree on the property I just moved into. One tree is healthy, the other has a dead side or almost dead. It did have some new green leaves on the dead branches but not many. What should...
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McPherson, KS
New growth on Amur Maple turning black in McPherson, Kansas.
Re: Amur Maple bushes Approximately 2 yrs old, 4 ft tall. New growth at the end of some branches is turning black. Plants are mulched with grass clippings. We live in Kansas. Thanks for any info....
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Tonkawa, OK
Native trees or shrubs for privacy in Tonkawa, OK
I live in North Central Oklahoma and I want to plant trees or shrubs along 100 ft of creek to create privacy. I would like them to grow at least 15 to 20 ft tall. What would you recommend for this l...
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Madison, KS
Identity of pink bell-shaped flowers in Kansas
I have a beautiful array of pink bell shaped flowers with a white shaping on the inside of them they are about 2 feet tall. I cant seem to figure out what they are.
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Salina, KS
Plant with dark black/purple berries in a cluster
Today at our local dog park we noticed a bush/vine that's been growing up the fence is producing berries. It didn't flower at all. The berries look to have started out green and now are changing t...
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Fredonia, KS
Leaves turning brown in Fredonia KS
Leaves turning brown.
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Fairfax, OK
What are the green round growths on the edges of my oak leaves in Fairfax, OK
round growths on the edge of oak leaves. ranging in size from a pearl to a lime. ranging in color from pale green to lime green. hollow, small ones appear to contain one small gnat sized seed. the la...
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Great Bend , KS
Dog wallowing in damp area in garden from Great Bend KS
I Have a wet area in my back yard that is close to my house. and off my patio there is a water hydrant,gas meter, electrical for my hot tub, my sprinkler valves and pump all there. My dog digs throug...
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Lebo, KS
Leaves on 3 year old maple turning brown in Lebo, KS.
Hello, one of our five Maple trees which is is 3 yrs. old now, we saw a week ago that the leaves started turning brown and dropping. My question is: Will the tree survive this and return healthy next ...
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Bartlesville, OK
Erosion Control in Bartlesville OK
What kind of plants can we use to stop erosion and loss of bank on a creek that is mostly shaded? Is there any free advice/plants for people that are losing land due to water levels rising/dropping?
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